Live Over Millennial

30 Life Lessons I Learned as a Millennial

  1. Not everything is about you.
  2. Don’t expect to be understood. Even by the “one”.
  3. Don’t be selfless in the name of being a good person. You can be good even if you think about yourself first.
  4. Don’t break your principles even for your loved ones.
  5. Don’t expect appreciation when you do good.
  6. Always have a small habit to take you out of your own brain when overthinking.
  7. Reward yourself and “punish” yourself. In other words, treat yourself as a second person.
  8. Don’t overvalue people or things.
  9. Stay away from those who are heavily under the influence of their feelings.
  10. Always question and second guess yourself (yes you’ve read it right).
  11. Embrace change and more importantly like the change.
  12. Make peace with your mood swings but don’t be controlled by them.
  13. If somebody listens to your problems, that does not necassarily mean they care.
  14. Don’t have trust in people who make the same mistake twice.
  15. Don’t be too prideful to ask for help from others, but chose them wisely.
  16. If you are a loner at heart, don’t expect yourself to be perfect in everything you do.
  17. Trust when proven, not when you start liking the person.
  18. Don’t overlove as you may end up hating the person. Don’t overhate as you may end up liking the person.
  19. Learn how to make one-sided closure.
  20. Don’t explain yourself.
  21. Don’t overshare your private matters and life.
  22. There are no missed opportunities. There are only misjudgements of the self.
  23. Anyone can be jealous of you.
  24. If something bothers you for the first time. Just say it. The next time won’t be any different.
  25. Being just is more valuable than being liked.
  26. Treat yourself as you treat your loved ones.
  27. You are not the victim of what happened to you. You are the victim of your perceptions.
  28. If somebody/something looks too good to be true, they are not being transperant.
  29. Always have a goal. Even for the smallest things.
  30. Don’t take people or things too seriously.
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